House Anniversary and Pictures of Spring

We have lived in our house for 2 years now and we are getting ready for our second garden and third summer season. We planted lettuce early and we sowed the seeds in our garden over the weekend.

I always wanted lilacs and although we only have a very puny bush on our property, several neighbors have great big bushes of the fragrant purple flowers and this spring the air has smelled divine with their perfume.

We don’t have a lot of flowers in our yard but we do have several blooming bushes, so I’ve begun to get more creative with what we do have and have taken to cutting stems to bring into the house.

This little piggy was a gift from my mom our first year in the house and I still love his whimsical little polka-dots. The hasta was an experiment in our front yard, planted under our giant pine tree. It was rather pathetic looking last fall but it is coming back in full force this spring and looking better than the ones in the backyard.

We finally have real numbers on our house! Bear made the letters over the winter, but we were slow to get them painted and secured to the front of the house. They look just perfect now!

Please click over to our house website if you’re interested in seeing the progression our house has taken over the last two years. Many things are complete, but the yard will always be an ongoing transformation. We still have lots of ideas and I have always wanted a yard filled with flowers. I hope to be one step closer this year.

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